Our opening hours.

You can choose which dentist you would like to see at the practice, but please note that this will depend on the appointments available and whether there is capacity to be seen depending on NHS funding.

The practice is open       Monday to Friday

8.45am to 12.45pm

                                        1.45pm to 5.30pm

Making an appointment

You can make an appointment by phoning 01335 342509 within the practice opening hours or by coming to visit us at 7 Church Street in the centre of Ashbourne. You will be required to complete a medical history form which is important to inform us of any medical conditions or medication that may affect your treatment. We will ask that you check the medical history form at each appointment, and update any change of address or phone numbers at the same time. This recent change was brought in as part of the Care Quality Commission requirements for safe standards within the Dental Practice.

Access to the Practice

The approach to the practice in this Grade 2 listed Georgian building with a stone steps means it is not well suited to wheelchair access. We do however have a rear entrance and can provide ramps for wheelchair users. Please inform our reception staff at the time of booking and appointment so we can facilitate easy access for you. Also,  if you need to be seen in a downstairs surgery, this can be arranged but again please advise reception staff at the time of booking.

Reminders and recalls

At the end of your course of treatment, your dentist will discuss with you when you will need to see a dentist again. NHS dentists now follow guidelines issued by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). This means you will attend as often as is needed to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Patients can choose to see a dentist at more frequent intervals on a private basis. Patients at the end of a course of treatment will be asked if they want a postal, text or email reminder from the practice for their next routine visit. Please try to keep the practice updated with any changes to addresses and contact details.

Cancellations/Missed appointments

If you are unable to keep your appointment please let us know as soon as possible so that we can give the appointment to someone else. Missed appointments waste NHS time. If you miss more than one appointment and give less than twenty-four hours notice, we may not be able to complete your treatment or offer you NHS care in the future. Patients who miss a private appointment will be charged a fee for the missed appointment.

Urgent treatment and out of hours care

Urgent treatment means treatment that the dentist considers necessary to relieve severe pain or prevent your oral condition deteriorating before you can make a normal appointment. If you need treatment outside of the opening hours you can telephone 111 at any time or see www.nhs.uk for dental advice. You will be directed to the nearest NHS Walk In Centre – telephone 111 for opening hours (NHS dental charges apply). We also offer a small number of appointments during practice opening hours for patients who need urgent treatment, but do not have an appointment.. The contact telephone number is available on the Oswald House Dental Centre out of hours answer machine. Patients also have the option of seeing a dentist through a private out of hours service for less urgent treatment. There is usually a £95 call out fee in addition to any treatment being provided. Denplan patients have insurance cover for emergency dental treatment and worldwide cover.